Have You Planned SEO For Siri?

Google, Bing, and Yahoo are some of the most common names that come to mind when someone says “search engine”. But, with roughly 60% of online searches being made from mobile devices today, Siri is a search engine all her own – and she is often overlooked. Creative Click Media founder Adam Binder says “Recognizing and responding to new technology, such as voice search engines, will be the defining factor between leaders and followers in digital marketing.” Understanding why SEO for Siri is vital to your business as a whole and learning the steps you can take to optimize your website for voice searches, will help you reach more of your target audience while getting a leg up on your competition.

Why Is SEO For Siri So Important?

Siri, a voice-activated mobile search tool, is the intelligent assistant that helps make iPhone users’ lives a whole lot easier. Voice searches are faster and easier than traditional keyboard searches and don’t even require both hands to perform. In fact, 28% of people believe the results derived from voice searches are more accurate than those from traditional keyboard searches. With over half of consumers using mobile devices for their online searches, and a growing number of them shifting to voice searches versus keyboard, SEO for Siri is the next step to take in your overall SEO plan. We’ve compiled a few SEO for Siri tips to help you optimize your website for one of the most frequently used search engines out there, and to get ahead of your competitors.


Ensure That Your Site is Mobile Friendly

This should go without saying, but the number of websites that are not currently optimized for mobile devices is surprising. In today’s marketing world, if you’re not mobile, you’re not in the game. While Siri is the intelligent voice assistant exclusively for Apple products, it is crucial that your website is compatible with all mobile interfaces. 77% of Americans now own smartphones, and that number is only rising. In addition, compared to desktop, smartphone conversion rates are up 64%. All internet usage is shifting heavily toward mobile, so it is important that your website follows suit.

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Find The Right Keywords

When strategizing your SEO for Siri plan, it is important to know that the verbiage used in a voice search is much different than the verbiage used in a traditional keyboard search. For example, many voice searches, and mobile searches in general, include city names, state names, and the phrase “near me”. Consumers are often looking for products and services in a certain location, so it is wise to target local SEO keywords. Not only will this tactic greatly improve your chances of ranking higher on Siri’s search results, but it will also help strengthen your company’s local SEO.


Reflect The Human Characteristic of the Search

Since mobile searches are far different from that of desktop or laptop, Siri has an algorithm all her own. She is designed to understand and respond to search terms in actual human language, rather than a set of predetermined examples. Going back to finding the perfect keywords for SEO for Siri, keep in mind what someone might actually be asking her.

Instead of trying to please an algorithm, focus on the reality of the search. Voice searches are commonly in the form of a question, like “Where is the nearest gas station?” or “How much is a train ticket to New York City?” Interrogative terms like Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How are the words that often begin a voice search. These phrases are typically longer than the average targeted keyword. Instead of only targeting words like “barbecue” and “restaurant”, including key phrases like “Best burgers in Ocean City, Maryland” will increase the success of your SEO for Siri and traffic driven to your website. A key phrase like this focuses on a specific location, and also takes on the characteristic of humanized language, instead of choppy digital vernacular.

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Implementing SEO For Siri

In this ever-changing world of digital marketing, the most beneficial things you can do for your business stay flexible, stay adaptable, and stay informed. With something so new and innovative as Siri and other voice search engines, new algorithms and features are released extremely often. It is crucial to stay in the know about this revolutionary technology in order to reap all of its benefits for your company.

Neil Patel himself predicts “Voice search may even surpass traditional keyboard search in time”. Siri and other voice search engines have already made their mark on the digital world, and have no plans to stop. With these tips, you can be well on your way to creating an SEO for Siri strategy and taking your search engine optimization plan to the next level.

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