Working Together for a Better Community
Mission: The Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce leverages our coastal beauty and rich history to drive a new era of economic innovation and growth. Our mission is to accelerate the economic development of our vibrant coastal community by actively supporting, retaining, and attracting local business owners and national industry leaders.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, participates at member meetings as well as acts as Marketing Director and sits on the Board of Directors.
Work & Services: Continuously providing the chamber with marketing consulting, social media marketing and other internet marketing advice.
Mission: Stimulate and promote economic vitality and business success in our area. Assist our members in maximizing and encouraging their competitive business by taking advantage of the value of our community as a nice place to work and live by investing through leadership and a shared vision excellence.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, participates at member meetings as well as acts as Marketing Director.
Work & Services: Continuously providing the chamber with marketing consulting, social media marketing and other internet marketing advice as well as developing and maintaining their website.
About: The Toms River Kiwanis Daybreak club was chartered by Kiwanis International in February 1990 with 25 charter members. The club was chartered with the assistance of the Kiwanis Club of Toms River, the oldest service club in Toms River which itself was chartered in 1924. Toms River Kiwanis Daybreak sponsors youth programs through Central Regional High School Key Club, Monsignor Donovan High School Key Club and Ocean County College Circle K, as they seek to extend Kiwanis principles among an upcoming generation.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, participates at weekly member meetings.
Work & Services: Continuously providing the organization with marketing consulting as well as developing and maintaining their website.
Mission: We aim to raise money for Aniridia Foundation International, a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization dedicated to assisting those with low vision or blindness due to the genetic blinding eye disease Aniridia. The organizations members consist of those with aniridia, their families, physicians, researchers, and teachers.
About: Lauren lacks the iris part of her eyes and has underdeveloped retina’s; these are traits we later confirmed through genetic testing to be diagnosed as, Aniridia. She secondarily also developed Congenital Gluacoma as a newborn. Due to Lauren’s lack of iris, it cannot help regulate the pupil size(very large and dark) and the amount of light getting into the eye. Also, her eyes did not develop proper meshwork in the eyes as to drain the intraocular fluid our eyes produces every day, so she had to endure 14 eye surgeries to implant/maintain a drainage system into her eyes.
Mission: Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
Abouts: Big Brothers Big Sisters is a life changing preventive program that ultimately reduces the need for possible future juvenile justice and school disciplinary intervention when the child is older and/or becomes an adult. There will always be a need for mentoring services as the number of single parents continues to grow within the county however, for those Littles that participate in the program the need for future intervention is greatly reduced.
Work & Services: Readily available to provide Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ocean County with marketing, digital services and animated video productions.
Mission: The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
About: For over 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well and get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer.
Work & Services: Readily available to provide The American Cancer Society of New Jersey with marketing, digital services and event promotion.
Mission: Our mission is to provide temporary and/or emergency housing for veterans, adults and adolescents in an effort to end homelessness in the state of New Jersey. To help us achieve these goals we focus on four key areas.
About: A 501c3 non-profit charitable organization located in Lakewood, NJ and founded by Edward Crum. A longtime advocate for providing housing to people in need, Mr. Crum is an experienced multi-unit housing manager. SCFL has one core belief: Transform the lives of persons who experience homelessness by providing safe, clean, stable temporary housing.
Work & Services: Developed, designed and maintain organization’s website as well as continually offering digital services and advice.
Mission: The Monmouth-Ocean Development Council (MODC) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and business environment in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. MODC’s members include hundreds of influential business, community and government leaders representing diverse groups through the bi-county region.
About: The Monmouth-Ocean Development Council (MODC), established in 1965, is a networking and advocacy group dedicated to supporting the business environments of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, New Jersey. MODC’s membership includes hundreds of influential business, community and government leaders representing diverse groups throughout the bi-county region.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, is an involved member.
Mission: The Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce is a strong network of dedicated businesses who work together to promote business and to foster a prosperous climate for economic development and business growth in Southern Ocean County. Through their investment in the Chamber, member businesses support a wide variety of programs that benefit the entire community.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, is an involved member.
Mission: The Jersey Shore Business Network, Inc. is an organization of business professionals dedicated to honest, ethical, and moral business standards. The purpose of this organization is the exchange of business referrals. Each business category is represented by only one member and conflicts of interests are not allowed.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, is an involved member and the chair of the Marketing Committee.
Work & Services: Actively providing the organization with marketing consulting and social media services.
Mission: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
About: The Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore is different than other groups and organizations that provide services to girls. While those organizations focus on activities that last a season, Girl Scouting provides experience that lasts a lifetime. The Girl Scouts engage girls’ curiosity through programs and opportunities they’re actively involved in planning themselves. Every year, these events are reimagined as another group of girls participate for the first time.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, sits on the board of directors for the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore.
Mission: Our impact starts with our members—people who work tirelessly with their clubs to solve some of our communities’ toughest challenges. Their efforts are supported by Rotary International, our member association, and The Rotary Foundation, which turns generous donations into grants that fund the work of our members and partners around the world. Rotary is led by our members—responsible leaders who help to carry forward our organization’s mission and values in their elected roles.
Active Involvement: Founder, Adam Binder, is an involved member.