5 SEO Changes for 2015

SEO has always been a complex and nuanced practice. As search engines, like Google, continually and consistently update their search engine ranking algorithms, SEO experts have had to try to stay one step ahead in the effort to get their clients to that coveted first page.

With the most recent search engine changes and an emphasis on filtering out sites that employ black-hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing, the practice of SEO is leaning heavily toward a preference for quality content like copy and videos. In this blog, we’ll explore the newest trends and provide some tips to use when developing your SEO plan for the new year.

1. Utilization of Conversational Keyword Phrases

Back in 2013, Google caused a shake-up in keyword practices with its Hummingbird update. This considerable update improved the way the search engine’s algorithm interprets “conversational” or “long-tail” phrases. This update was aimed at ensuring that whole phrases are understood fully rather than just as a string of singular search terms. How does this affect SEO efforts? By forcing those who employ them to think more organically.

SEO experts can no longer focus on single keywords and expect positive results. Rather, they need to make every effort make ensure that anchor text linking back to the sites they are SEO-ing is more conversational and less focused on hitting the right isolated keywords.

2. Inbound links and Brand Mentions

Inbound links are largely considered one of the biggest factors influencing search engine page ranking. However, the means by which Google interprets and measures these links has seen some recent changes. Google has been quick to identify and react to certain unseemly practices brought on by the unfettered practice of link-building campaigns. It is no longer a case of  “a link is a link”. Under new methods, Google now takes into consideration any “implied links,” or “brand mentions” and the ratio with which they are disseminated across the internet.

Ensure that any links to or from your site appear natural. Also, make every effort to employ sources with a high perception of authority and legitimacy if you are pursuing a link-building campaign. Establishing and expressing your own brand’s authority is another important factor that will have a large influence on your ranking.

3. Mobile Optimization and User Behavior

Mobile Optimization is by no means a new trend, but it is one that some major brands and companies are still seemingly struggling with. Most experts predict 2015 to be the year that mobile web access eclipses home computer web access, so any business that isn’t on board with mobile optimization is missing the boat in a big way.

2015 will see a strong emphasis on SEO campaigns that support mobile optimization strategies, beyond the bare minimum of simply having a mobile responsive site. Google has implemented new ‘mobile friendly’ tags, spotlighting those sites that view and function well on smartphones and tablets. As it becomes the norm for users to select websites based on mobile criteria, any company that refuses to adopt them is doing their bottom line a serious disservice.

4. Long Live Content!

If you want to rank for relevant and profitable search terms and phrases, then your website must engage and entertain visitors every bit as well as funnels them towards conversion. The days of employing ‘black hat’ trickery to creep up search rankings are well and truly over. At this point, search engines like Google have become quite proficient at breaking down and making sense of content so as to provide users with the most relevant websites. What that means is, if the content of your website is of low or unscrupulous quality, its search engine ranking will suffer.

5. Social Media Integration

Google’s search algorithms are moving ever closer toward legitimate artificial intelligence. Does this mean the robot apocalypse is upon us? Hardly! But it does mean that human signals will begin to play a more pivotal role in the future of SEO efforts. A strong social media presence and strategy that entices users to find and share your content can go a long way toward enriching your sights SEO.

seo tactics

Love it or hate it, social media is here to stay. You can either ignore it and miss out on tons of growth opportunities, or embrace it and reap the many benefits it affords.

In Summation…

SEO is a critical component of any online marketing strategy, and staying on top of the latest developments in the field can provide you with the insight to more effectively position your business or product in the online marketplace. Hopefully, this article has provided some insight and helped to illuminate the developments in SEO tactics that will influence the success or failure of digital marketing campaigns in the new year.

Showing 14 comments
  • Ryan Biddulph

    Good to be back Adam! 4 is absolutely critical and it’s also why I’m writing 7000 word posts these days. Google loves content. Good, long form, valued content. Create that stuff and draw folks in. I also started list building 1 month ago – too busy before writing eBooks lol – so I can draw in subscribers with a free eBook each week. Said free eBook being my weekly blog post 😉

    Smart tips dude!

    Thanks for sharing,


  • Adam Binder

    Hey Ryan,

    7000 words is really a feat! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. How is the list building coming along? Feel free to add me to your list 🙂


  • Larry Rivera

    Hi Adam,

    I’ve been looking for a good 2015 seo post and this sir is a good one. Google is a pain in the butt don’t you think?

    The one thing that has always remained the same is the quality of content you provide your readers… So Content still is king of the hill.

    I enjoyed your post thanks for sharing it.

    • Adam Binder

      Hey Larry,

      Google can be a pain, but it is really great that they always try to improve the search results. The reason they continue to dominate search is because they are so diligent about refining their algorithms.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post!


  • Adrienne

    Hey Adam,

    SEO is forever evolving and changing isn’t it! Whatever time you started online there was a trend taking place where Google was concerned.

    The one thing they have always said to do from the very beginning is build the links naturally. Back when I started there were ways to build them and although they were natural Google eventually decided that they needed to be relevant. Yep, we all live and learn and if we don’t follow the rules you will get penalized and no one really wants that.

    I agree wholeheartedly with where we are today. Pay attention to what’s working and what’s not or you will have difficulty being found in the search engines. If you don’t care anything about them then do your own thing but I still think staying on Google’s good side is the smartest road to take.

    Thanks for the update and you have a great week.


    • Adam Binder

      Hi Adrienne,

      It seems like trends, rules and best practices in SEO have a tendency to change faster than in most other types of internet marketing. I guess it can be a bit annoying but also keeps us on our toes.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  • Mi Muba

    Hi Adam

    Very informative post indeed and I love the concept of brand mention that one needs to fully understand before trying it. You well explained it and now I am very clear about it.

    The era of one-word massively searched keyword has gone, it someone still tries it so he has to wait for years to come at the front page because of the dog-eats-dog competition.

    Those who still publish time-barred contents have to change their strategy and go for the long-live contents because news-based contents are already in abundance on internet.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this very important post with regard to latest trends of SEO.

    • Adam Binder

      Hi Mi Muba,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post and found it useful. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  • dailytut

    Came here to see monarch plugin in action, but you have a wonderful blog here adam 🙂 Subscribing right away to receive more updates. Wonderful tips you shared here, to take care of my blog in this 2015.


  • Adam Binder

    Hi Robin,

    Glad you found the info useful! Have a great day 🙂


  • Stu Edwards

    It’s tough keeping up with the constant changes (and fear mongering) of the Google Gods! But I think as long as you keep your SEO squeaky clean and create epic content – You can’t go wrong.
    Cheers Adam!

  • Sarah Lusby

    Hey Adam!
    How do you feel about these changes now that we’re halfway into 2015? You were pretty spot on with the mobile optimization being a massive factor this year!


  • Matija

    Hi there, excellent post and thank you. I also think of Google algorithm updates as one thing that is a plus. If one doesn’t use black hat methods to improve his search rankings, the better content is definitely going to stay in focus of Google to be shown to his users. I don’t understand actually why people are using other methods, when everything you need to do is just follow simple Google rules and not try to obay them. Regards, Matija, Slovenia

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