20 Content Marketing Statistics Every Business Owner Needs to Know in 2022

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As long as there is digital marketing, there will always be a need for content marketing. The content marketing landscape is constantly shifting, but one thing is for sure: the businesses that succeed will be the ones who keep up with the latest trends. How do you know which trends to keep an eye on? You take a look at content marketing by the numbers – in this case, statistics. These top 20 content marketing statistics will give you the comprehensive overview you need to create a smart and savvy strategy in the months to come.

1) Businesses that blog regularly yield 4.5x more leads.


What This Means for Your Business: Blogging isn’t just a way to pad your website with more pages, it’s a bona fide lead machine. Potential customers visit your blog for a plethora of reasons: to obtain information, to be entertained, or simply to keep up with the happenings of your organization. By giving them what they’re looking for – and giving it to them regularly- you’re increasing the chance that they’ll visit other parts of your website and, eventually, convert into a paying customer.

2) Content marketing costs 64% less than traditional marketing avenues.


What This Means for Your Business: Not only is content marketing good for generating leads, it’s also good for businesses on a budget. In fact, it’s one of the most cost-effective ways to reach your target market, especially compared to avenues such as paid media placements or pay-per-click ads. By creating valuable content that’s relevant and interesting to your customers, you can attract new business without breaking the bank.

3) 95% of customers view a B2B business’ content as a marker of their trustworthiness.


What This Means for Your Business: The content you produce – or don’t produce – could make or break your business’ reputation. In order to be seen as a credible, reliable source of information, you need to be putting out content on a consistent basis.  This content doesn’t necessarily have to be a groundbreaking new concept or ultra-technical study, but it should be of high quality and provide value to your customers. By publishing helpful, informative content, you’ll be establishing trust and credibility with potential and current customers alike.

4) Pages with one call-to-action link yield a 13.5% conversion rate – this rate decreases with multiple links.


What This Means for Your Business: Sometimes, less is more. Think about it like a menu at a restaurant: large menus with dozens of options can leave you feeling overwhelmed, while smaller menus with fewer options make it easier to make a decision. The same principle applies to your website’s content. By including a single, clear call-to-action on each page, you make it easy for visitors to know what you want them to do and increase the chances that they’ll actually do it. If you include multiple calls-to-action, on the other hand, you run the risk of confusing your visitors and causing them to bounce off your site without taking that coveted next step.

5) Users are 80% more likely to read an article with colorful visuals.


What This Means for Your Business: Well-written copy and well-designed graphics go hand in hand. In order to capture your audience’s attention and hold it for the long haul, you need to be using both visual and verbal elements in your content. This doesn’t mean that you have to go over the top with flashy animations and bright colors – simple graphics or eye-catching typography can be just as effective. Just be sure your graphics add value to your content, rather than detract from it.

6) Readers look at 70% of the bulleted lists they find online.

(Nielsen Norman Group)

What This Means for Your Business: Your readers are looking to absorb and digest information as quickly as possible, and bulleted lists are one way to make this happen. By breaking down your content into short, digestible chunks, you make it easy for readers to scan and find the information they’re looking for. Just be sure to use bulleted lists sparingly – too many and your content will start to look like one big list, rather than a well-rounded article.

7) 70% of consumers prefer to get information from blogs instead of traditional advertisements.


What This Means for Your Business: Today’s consumers seek out content that makes them feel like they’re being taught, not bought. In order to reach your target market, you need to be producing content that’s educational and informative, rather than overtly promotional. This doesn’t mean you can’t ever mention your company or products – just make sure that the majority of your content is geared towards providing value to your readers. By creating content that educates and entertains, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in the content marketing world.

8) The average word count for the first result on a Google search is 1,890 words.


What This Means for Your Business: If you’re still going by the old SEO rule of at least 300 words, it’s time to up the ante. In order to rank high in search engine results, you need to be producing in-depth, comprehensive content – anything less and you’ll likely get lost in the shuffle. This doesn’t mean that every blog post needs to be 2,000 words or more – after all, quality is almost always more important than quantity.

9) 57% of marketers say they have converted new customers because of their blog.


What This Means for Your Business: Your blog could be one of your most successful sales tools when used strategically. By ensuring that your blog posts are keyword-optimized and focused on topics that your target audience is interested in, you’re increasing the chances that they’ll stumble across your content and be intrigued enough to check out your business. If you want to increase sales through your blog, make sure you’re producing quality content that aligns with your brand and provides value to your readers.

how to do content marketing10) 55% of marketers say blogging is their top inbound marketing priority.


What This Means for Your Business: If you aren’t prioritizing blogging this year, there’s a good chance your business might slip – both in readers and in rankings. In order to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be producing quality blog content on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean you have to post every day – but a consistent publishing schedule is key to staying competitive.

11) Only 43% of B2B agencies have a documented content marketing strategy in place.

(B2B Content Marketing)

What This Means for Your Business: Simply having a plan in place for your content marketing in 2022 could give your business a leg up against the competition. By taking the time to document your strategy, you’re ensuring that all of your content marketing efforts are working towards a common goal – and this can be a huge advantage when it comes to measuring success. If you don’t have a content marketing strategy in place, now is the time to start planning one.

12) 82% of digital marketers have already invested in content marketing.


What This Means for Your Business: If you’re part of the 18% who haven’t, there’s no better time to get started than right now. Not only is investing in content marketing a great way to attract new customers, but it’s also a cost-effective way to keep your current customers engaged. By investing in content marketing now, you’re committing to a long-term strategy that will pay off far beyond 2022. The last thing you want is to be left in the dust while your competitors reap the benefits of investing in a content marketing strategy early.

13) 83% of business blog traffic comes from a desktop computer.


What This Means for Your Business: The marketing world may be moving towards a mobile-first format, but that doesn’t mean optimizing for larger screens should be abandoned just yet. In order to ensure that your blog posts are being seen by the widest possible audience, it’s important to make sure they’re accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. Utilizing responsive design is the most effective way to ensure that your blog looks great no matter where it’s being accessed – and from an SEO standpoint, it’s also a good way to avoid being penalized by Google by hosting duplicate content via separate desktop and mobile websites.

what is content marketing14) Users spend an average of 37 seconds reading an article.


What This Means for Your Business: Your content has just about half a minute to capture your readers’ attention and provide the exact information they’re looking for. In order to make the most of this limited time, you need to be laser-focused in your writing. Get to the point quickly and avoid fluff or filler content. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing your readers before they even get to the meat of your article.

15) 68% of digital marketers believe content marketing generates demand and leads.


What This Means for Your Business: The numbers don’t lie – content marketing is undeniably beneficial for your brand recognition, customer acquisition and bottom line. When done well, content marketing can position your business as a thought leader in your industry and help you attract new leads. If you’re not currently using content marketing, it’s time to start. And if you are using it, but aren’t seeing the results you want, consider revisiting your strategy and making some strategic changes.

16) Businesses that invest in Google Ads see a 2x ROI.


What This Means for Your Business: The benefits of content marketing extend to paid avenues as well. If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to boost your website traffic and sales, investing in paid advertising via Google Ads is a great way to do it. However, it’s important to remember that simply throwing money at ads without a solid content marketing strategy in place won’t produce the results you’re hoping for. In order to see a positive return on investment for your Google Ads campaigns, make sure you’re using high-quality content that targets the right audience.

17) Listicles receive 80% more page views than other forms of blogging content.


What This Means for Your Business: Lists are one of the most popular forms of blog content for a good reason – you’re reading one right now, aren’t you? When done well, listicles are an engaging and entertaining way to present information. And since they’re typically shorter in length than traditional blog posts, they also have a higher potential for being shared on social media. If you want to increase the amount of traffic your blog is receiving, consider experimenting with listicles as a way to engage your audience.

18) 7 million blog posts were published each day in 2021.


What This Means for Your Business: The popularity of blogging is on an upward trajectory with no signs of slowing down. The digital marketing landscape is constantly shifting, and what’s popular today could be absolute tomorrow. However, blogging is not one of those flash-in-the-pan viral trends. It’s a versatile marketing tool that can be used to achieve a variety of business goals – and it’s here to stay. If you haven’t already started using blogging as part of your content marketing strategy, now is the time to jump on board.

content marketing 2022

19) Content marketing yields 3x as many leads as other traditional marketing avenues.


What This Means for Your Business: If attracting new customers is one of your primary goals in 2022, a content marketing strategy is a must-have. Content marketing outperforms other traditional marketing channels such as cold calling and print advertising when it comes to generating leads. This is likely because content provides value to the reader, rather than simply bombarding them with sales pitches. When you produce quality content that’s relevant to your target audience, you’re increasing the chances that they’ll reach out to you when they’re ready to buy.

20) 86% of B2B businesses outsourced content creation in 2020.


What This Means for Your Business: If you’re too busy to manage a content marketing campaign on your own, you may want to consider working with an agency that can handle it for you. Outsourcing your content creation can be a great way to save time and resources while still maintaining a high level of quality for your readers. Keep in mind, though, that not all agencies are created equal. Make sure you do your research before selecting one to work with.

Not sure where to start? We might know someone who can help you out 😉

From Content Marketing Statistics to Content Marketing Success

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Our team of digital marketing experts are no strangers to content marketing. From blog content to web content and anything in between, we’re well versed in the strategy and creativity needed to turn these content marketing statistics into content marketing success. Your high-conversion content marketing campaign is only a click away – contact us to get started.

Looking for even more digital marketing stats to get you started? Check out our picks for the local SEO statistics and web design statistics every business owner needs to know in 2022.

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