Keeping with Tradition – Thankful Thoughts from Creative Click Media

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It’s that time of year again! Today all across the country, friends and family will gather around the dinner table and enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Before they dig into the turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, many will go around the table and share what they are thankful for.

With our office closed for the holiday, our Creative Click Media family gathered around the ping pong table a few days early to talk about the people, places, and experiences we are thankful for this year. In the spirit of giving, we’re sharing everything we’re grateful for before we dive into our Thanksgiving feasts.

NJ Web DesignAdam Binder, Founder

I am thankful for my Creative Click Media staff. Every day they come in with the same excitement and passion that I have for this business. I am thankful for their trust in me and the value that we give to our customers on a daily basis. Their work ethic and dedication to what we do have been a big part of our success and the success of our clients.

I am thankful for all of our clients who put their trust in us to help them strive forward on the path to success. Every day they give me and my staff a reason to work hard and their success gives us the ultimate feeling of accomplishment.

I am thankful for being in a position in which I can give back to my community. Through my yoga practice, I have gained an even better understanding of what it means to truly help others.

I am especially thankful for those I am closest to. I’ve experienced some devastating losses this past year including a close friend and family member, and it has taught me never to take life or the people around you for granted. People come into your life for a reason and you should cherish every minute that you have with them.

Alison Omelio, Social Media Manager

The holidays always seem to be a good time to reflect on all of the things in life to be thankful for.  This year has brought with it many changes, including moving back to the beautiful state of New Jersey to pursue a new job (it was fun while it lasted Long Island!).  Although it was a bit scary to step outside of my comfort zone at first, I am glad I made the move. In addition to working with a great new group of people and some pretty incredible brands, there is also a Philly Pretzel Factory within walking distance from the Creative Click office, which is pretty much the icing on the cake.  Aside from endless boxes of pretzel rivets, I will always be thankful for the many experiences I’ve had in life, good and bad, as well as my family, friends (and even strangers), who have helped me to become the person I am today.  

Marketing Specialist in NJAnthony Giampaolo, Project Manager

So much to be thankful for this past year. I had a lovely wedding where I married Victoria, we’ve moved into a home, I’ve adopted 2 dogs Jack & Leighla (don’t worry Deuce, you’re still my dog). I’ve had a stable job thanks to Creative Click which has provided the security to make those life decisions. Family, including my new family! have been supportive throughout this year of change.

Plus, the new Star Wars comes out in just a few weeks.

Ben Sheppard, Tech Manager

The past year has been full of things to be thankful for. God’s provision in my life has been overwhelming. Since last November, He has provided me with work and healthcare via Creative Click Media, a beautiful wife and children, some new family members, some new friends, a(nother) guitar, an apartment at the beach, and a renewed sense of gratitude for the family and friends I have always had by my side.

Between the material things and the intangible things, I am very grateful for my life and everyone/everything in it. I am excited about how God will move in my life for the upcoming year. This past year is definitely going to be tough to top!

Content Marketer in NJBev Farrell, Content Manager

In the last couple of years, there have been a lot of changes in my life. Being a creature of habit, this wasn’t always easy for me. This year I am thankful for finally learning to let go of the past and truly enjoy the present. Looking forward to the future is more fun than dwelling on the past.

I am also thankful to have one of those rare lifelong friends who has helped me ride out the most recent waves of change. A friend who stays with you through the years, survives long silences, and never misses a beat when you finally reconnect is rare and someone I am extremely grateful for.

Christina Otero, Web/Graphic Designer

There is a lot for me to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I have friends and family that love me and I have an amazing boyfriend who I’ve been with for about 6 years now. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and two jobs that I enjoy and learn so much from.

I am also extremely thankful for my Yorkie, Jazmin. For the longest time, I wasn’t allowed to have a dog. I told my dad that instead of a Sweet 16 party, I wanted my very own puppy, and he finally caved! Over the past 10 years, this dog has brought me so much joy and has licked all of my wounds during the hard times. I am so thankful for the unconditional love and companionship that she gives me!

Connor Crowe, Copywriter

Obviously, I am thankful for my family and friends. I try to never take them for granted. I am especially thankful for my girlfriend, Megan. We have been going out for five years, four of which were long-distance. Now, after a long time apart, we are finally living together!

This year I am also thankful that I was able to get a job right after graduating from college. Today, even a college degree doesn’t guarantee you a job. I know plenty of people that I went to school with that are still searching for their first job after college. Landing a job before graduation enabled me to relax and enjoy my last few months as a college student before I entered the real world. So, I am very thankful that Creative Click Media has allowed me to come back to work full time after getting my degree.

Corinna Negrin, Executive Assistant

I can’t think of a better time to share with everyone what I’m thankful for. This year I’m incredibly thankful to have my younger brother Elvis home after being away for such a long time training with the United States Marines. It’s amazing how much you can miss somebody when you love them so much and they’re not around.

In addition to my amazing family, best friends, cuddly puppy, and my awesome coworkers that make me laugh, I’m also incredibly thankful for being able to go from working 4 part-time jobs simultaneously (which ended up being way more than 40 hours a week) to finally having one stable job where I can learn a lot and feel like I’m actually contributing to a bigger picture while still being able to take care of the things I love most on the weekends.

Francis Lill, Videographer & Copywriter

Around Thanksgiving last year, it was a bit more difficult to think of things to be thankful for. I was looking for steady work, working mostly with my Dad and taking a calculus class purely out of boredom. This year, I have a great job where I get to be creative every day, an amazing girlfriend with who I spend all my time, and a new, more positive outlook on life. So this year, I am thankful for…this year. Being able to reap the benefits of 365 days of self-improvement is one of the greatest gifts I could ask for.

Kate Condon, Web/Graphic Designer

This year I am thankful for my family and friends. I am grateful to have such close relationships with my family members, which is why I am so excited for the holiday season (and because of the food I am going to consume). I am especially thankful for my boyfriend Glenn who I have been dating for a little over a year now. Even though we are currently four hours apart, I am thankful for how often I get to see him. This time last year I got to meet his family who has been so kind and welcoming. Along with the wonderful people in my life, I am also extremely grateful for my ukulele, guitar, and laptop. With these possessions, I get to create and express my imagination. I am also very grateful that I have the chance to utilize and further my knowledge of design at Creative Click Media!

Matt Fitzmaurice, Design Manager

It’s around this time of year when we gather with a family that you start to look back on the previous year and plan for to years to come. It is during this time as the weather changes that I am thankful for the house that keeps me and my wife safe and warm. After being laid off early this year, I was grateful to find a job with Creative Click Media that allowed me to stay in my house, and not move away from family. The commute is very nice as well.

Around the holidays I am reminded how thankful I am for where we live. Most couples have to decide which side of the family to visit, but I have the luxury of being able to see and spend time with both sides. As I get older family has become something that I will always be thankful for.

NJ PR ManagementOlivia Garrison, Director of Communications

There’s always so much to be thankful for this time of year, and throughout the year. Of course, I’m thankful for my family, boyfriend, and friends, whose undying love and confidence in my abilities have been the greatest pillars of support. It goes without saying how thankful I am for my job, and for my coworkers who make even the busiest days enjoyable. When I really got to thinking about it, however, the one thing I’m most thankful for is my sense of humor, thanks to all of these hysterical people I interact with every day.

They say laughter is the best medicine, and I’m pretty confident I’ll never get sick based on how often I find myself cackling throughout the day. I spend nine hours in an office full of comedians, then I spend the rest of my evening with loved ones laughing to the point of tears over seemingly mundane topics such as politics and Jeopardy!. Laughter makes the bad days better and the good days great, and being able to share that same joy with others is priceless. I’m so thankful to be able to find the humor in any situation that comes my way – I really can’t think of a better way to navigate this unpredictable ride called life.

On behalf of the entire Creative Click Media team, we would like to wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving.  We’d love to hear what you are thankful for this year! Please be sure to share with us in the comments.

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