What Creative Click Media is Thankful For: 2020 Edition

The start of the holiday season certainly does feel different this year. In fact, just about everything this year felt different – and how couldn’t it when we’re in the midst of a global pandemic? Fortunately for our company, we still have plenty to be thankful for this year despite every challenge 2020 has thrown our way.

We’re thankful that we’ve been able to continue working steadily and consistently throughout COVID-19, especially because we know so many of our friends, colleagues and peers haven’t been so lucky. We’re thankful that our team has adjusted seamlessly into a work-from-home format, and for our new employees who made the challenge of remote onboarding so easy. Most importantly, we’re thankful for our clients who have been navigating through these unpredictable times with us.

In the spirit of giving, our team decided to share what we’re thankful for in a year unlike any other:

digital marketing company new jerseyDespite every hardship 2020 has thrown our way, I’m thankful for all of the unexpected silver linings. Remote work has been going great for our team, and the freedom we have now that we aren’t confined to one geographical location allows us to hire rockstar employees from anywhere in the world. Spending less time on the road means less wear and tear on my car, less fuel burned, and more quality time at home with Miles. My newfound free time has allowed me to dive into some new hobbies, like playing the piano and landscaping my backyard (with “help” from Miles, of course). I even planted 40 trees – how’s that for being environmentally friendly?

nj digital marketing agencyI am grateful for the health of all my family, friends and co-workers as well as the selflessness of all the essential workers who continued to take care of things when life as we knew it came to an abrupt halt. There are many things I miss due to the pandemic (mostly dining out and hugs). However, it has given me time to enjoy other things. Thanks to the ability to work remotely, there is a little extra time to sleep in. I have gotten to know some of my neighbors better, forged new friendships and was able to lend a helping hand occasionally. Also, I am thankful for the time it allowed me to work with and rescue a couple of stray kittens in my neighborhood. Grayson and Cali have now joined Charlotte, making it three rescues that share our home. They have provided us with companionship, endless entertainment and great joy. Although we have all lost many things as a result of the pandemic, we have been given the rare opportunity to slow down a bit and truly enjoy the people and things most important in our lives.

seo new jerseyLike most, I’m especially thankful for my friends, my family, my health, and the health of all of my loved ones in 2020. I’m thankful for anyone on the frontlines, selflessly fighting this virus and those working day and night to come up with a cure or vaccine. Though it has been a rather chaotic year, I’m thankful for the new perspective this new normal has gifted me. I’m not a naturally optimistic person but 2020 has reinforced just how important it is to find joy in the little things, so: I’m thankful for sunny days and craft beer and take out. I’m thankful for FaceTime and Discord and Among Us. I’m thankful for HelloFresh, cozy blankets, and fall flavored coffee creamers. I’m thankful for Nintendo Switch, good books, and podcasts. I’m thankful for friends who reach out when I’m sad. I’m thankful for supportive coworkers who live to build each other up. But, most notably, I’m thankful for Taylor Swift bestowing one of 2020’s greatest gifts on us all – her latest album, folklore – because it’s gotten me through some of my hardest days this year.

website design new jersey2020 has truly shifted my perspective on what I consider insignificant, and made the constants in my life feel that much more valuable. I’m grateful for my family and friends that have helped me stay sane throughout a worrisome time, and not to mention their health as well as mine. With a family member who is an essential healthcare provider, I’m thankful more than ever for those who put themselves at risk for the well-being of others. Even the ‘small things’ like taking walks with my dog (probably too many in his opinion) or going to the beach for some fresh air seem a lot bigger nowadays. Speaking of bigger, I’m also thankful for my family’s new freezer that has allowed me to stock up on twice the amount of frozen mozzarella sticks.

marketing agency new jerseyI have to start out by being thankful for my health, family, friends, and my dog. Without them, 2020 would have been quite unbearable. I’m thankful I was able to close and move into my new house right before quarantine took over. I can’t imagine trying to move, buy furniture, and set up house while trying to stay socially distant and mumbling behind masks with the people helping me. It’s truly a blessing to finally have my own space. I’m thankful that I was able to keep my job with no changes other than going completely remote; there are many people out there who can’t say the same. Finally, I’m thankful for the UPS guy that delivers all my Amazon orders on time and without being judgy.

video marketing njIn a year where a lot of not-so-great things happened in the world, I have a shocking amount of things to be thankful for. I’m thankful for my wonderful girlfriend who gave me the courage to invest in myself. I’m thankful for the beautiful home we bought together. I’m thankful for the years I spent working in construction which is making the home renovation process more manageable. And, not to brown nose, but I’m thankful for my job at Creative Click Media. We were truly blessed being one of the lucky few businesses who never had to stop working during the pandemic. While many people in my life were losing their jobs and getting furloughed indefinitely, I felt a sense of job security knowing Adam was looking out for us. 

social media marketing njBeing able to write this is enough to be thankful for in itself. I started off this year hearing a message about “20/20 Vision”, filled with the hope of big plans and exciting things to come. Little did I know that our 2020 vision would be much different. Now, I see the little things in life that are often overlooked in a new light. I am especially thankful for the health of my loved ones and I, my husband, our amazing new dog, Sky, my wonderful church family, and every single essential worker who selflessly serves our communities. I know this time of the year can be super challenging for some, despite everything that is happening in the world. So, show a smile and spread some kindness this season-a little goes a long way. 

website design njI know a lot of people’s responses to this question in 2020 could be a resounding “not much.” For the people who have suffered the most this year, it is understandable to struggle with finding an answer. I do not take the events of this year lightly, and I know how fortunate I am that my family, my friends, and myself are approaching this holiday season with our health still intact. As much as the personal growth I have made this year, the apartment I moved into, and the ability to work consistently throughout the pandemic are all things to be grateful for, 2020 has definitely cemented the importance of a broader worldview. I am truly thankful for the first responders, and all essential personnel who did not necessarily sign up to be heroes, but have handled the stress of this year with grace. I am thankful for the sacrifices people have made to help the people around them: people who have canceled weddings and birthdays, businesses who have shut their doors for the betterment of their customers and employees, and people who simply wear their masks. I suppose, in the simplest terms, I’m thankful for those who care.

I’m always thankful for my health, my job and my loved ones, but the unusual nature of 2020 has made me especially thankful for many things I had previously taken for granted. I’m thankful for fresh air, which feels especially fresh after a few days inside. I’m thankful for advancements in technology, which have made it possible to meet with coworkers, attend doctor’s appointments and even join fitness classes from your living room. I’m thankful for our postal service employees who have been working tirelessly to ensure millions of people receive the goods, supplies and medication they need. Finally, I’m thankful for the way frozen pizza tastes gourmet after months without fine dining.

What Are You Thankful For?

Wishing you, your business and your loved ones a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving! Nothing about 2020 has been easy or typical for any of us, which makes the victories – big and small – all the more worth celebrating.

What are you thankful for this year? Be sure to give your thanks in the comments!

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